The Process

gina vance smgi

Each session is in-person, by phone, or via video conference, like Skype or FaceTime, or Zoom, and lasts approximately 90 minutes to 2 hours.

Gina Vance

First session includes extensive interview and subconscious priming to prepare you for the next sessions of Interactive Inner Journeying and to clarify your desired results. 

You'll learn the 4 Essential Mind-Body Skills, and be emailed a downloadable 5 minute audio and pdf. “cheat sheet” to use at home to strengthen and stabilize your mind-body and nervous systems so that you’ll get more out of your next sessions and bring results more quickly and easily. 

This session is rarely less that 2 hours.

Second session reviews the organic changes you’ve noticed in your body, mind and life, and how your experience with the 4 Essential Mind-Body Skills went.

We’ll then clarify your desire for this session (which is under the umbrella of what we clarified in Session One); form it into an intention, and then I’ll guide you inwards for Interactive Inner Journeying.

We begin your inner work by connecting you to inner resources of beauty, strength, support and comfort. Then I'll guide you in getting to know these resources and how best to use them or work with them to achieve your desired results. You’ll also have an opportunity to clear some inner subconscious material that does not support your goals.

Third session reviews the organic changes you’ve continued to notice, and how your home practices went for you if you did any.

We’ll clarify your desire for this session; form it into an intention, and then I’ll guide you inwards for Interactive Inner Journeying.

We'll begin your inner work by connecting you to inner resources; then clearing any inner subconscious clutter that shows itself; then invite any part of you that wants or needs your attention to come into your awareness.

I'll walk you through a gentle dialogue with this inner part (or fragment) and guide you in integrating it (sometimes referred to as a “soul retrieval”). These fragments are the pieces of us that have had to sort of break away in order to hold something in the depths of our subconscious shadow. So they’re the most critical thing to work with.

This is a gentle quantum leap, and life-changing part of the work.

Fourth session we continue our work with a check-in to assess the changes you are noticing; clarify your new/additional/current desires and intent, then move inwards to dialogue with additional inner resources, and clear more inner obstacles in your subconscious.  Subconscious seeding is sometimes introduced, and custom seed words created for your at-home practice are accessed in your subconscious.

Fifth session we continue our work with a check-in to assess the changes you are noticing; clarify your desires and intent, then move inwards to dialogue with additional inner resources, and clear more inner obstacles in your subconscious. A unique-to-you gratitude practice may be introduced, and customized for your at-home use.

Sixth session closes the loop, or completes this set of work, while preparing you for what’s next, whether on your own or with continued facilitation.

We move through our established steps and invite any ideal resources to present themselves, clear any clutter sabotaging your goals, and integrate additional fragment(s) that have splintered away but are still in your psyche.  (We are all internally fragmented and can easily bring ourselves into wholeness with these little-known, but quite simple processes).

What's Included in the Subconscious Clutter Clearing?


  • Innocent misperceptions
  • Self limiting beliefs
  • Unexpressed emotions
  • Unresolved traumas
  • Trauma response programs (there are 9)
  • Energetic blockages
  • Incomplete rites of passage
  • Non-beneficial energies
  • False identities
  • Subconscious agreements, contracts, & vows


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Sausalito, Walnut Creek, Modesto & Online


Other Days & Times by Special Appointment

Monday, Saturday, Sunday:


Tuesday, Thursday:

10:30 am - 6:00 pm

Wednesday, Friday:

9:30 am - 6:00 pm